
Membership Sales Skills

Written by 59club Insights Magazine | March 6, 2025
What members of your club really want is to feel a sense of belonging. 59club data can help you to understand how to create it...

That desire to feel connected and accepted is a fundamental part of human nature. In fact, it’s one of our most important psychological needs.

Every day around the world, golf clubs receive enquiries from prospective members attracted to the club with the desire to fulfil the same three needs: meet new people; participate in a sport; join a community.

Membership sales is as much about helping prospects to identify what network they will align with, and what opportunities exist for them to integrate into club life, as much as it is about promoting the golf course and other attributes.

Global data collected from mystery shopping the membership sales process in 2024 throws up some very interesting insights around the industry’s ability to understand a prospective member’s needs to ‘sell’ the idea of belonging within the club community.

Membership is not a one-size fits all proposition, each member comes with a unique set of circumstances and will feel fulfilled by different experiences. Ultimately, it’s the task of the Membership Sales Advisor to remain focused when liaising with prospective members, actively listening to identify the individual needs of the person in front of them.

Once those needs are established – you are in a strong position to relate the club and its community to exceed the prospects’ expectations. This process will enhance new member conversion rates and breed loyalty within your club – and its community.